DIY Desk Nameplate with Silhouette Cameo
As you can probably guess I have a day job. No I do not get to sit around all day dreaming about what to blog about unfortunately! I do have however a nice little office abode at work that I enjoy very much. Over the last 3.5 years I have tried to make my office a little more comfortable by hanging art, adding a lamp and now with a new nameplate I made. Now no this is not one of those fancy wood engraved nameplates your boss gives you when you achieve something fantastic. This is a nameplate that I whipped up with stuff I already had at home. I started with a 4x6 in white canvas and turned it into a maroon and white happy for my desk. I will say I have received the most compliments and comments about it than anything else in my office! I love getting compliments on things when people have no idea that I made it myself. That in itself is a compliment to me. You can totally style these up more but for my job in academia I wanted mine to be pretty vanilla!
What you'll need:
- Canvas(I bought mine for $2.50 for a pk of two at Michael's on sale)
- Craft paint and brush
- Vinyl cutter or stencil
How to make
- Use your vinyl cutter to cut your name or whatever you'd like. Remove the holes from the letters.
- Transfer your vinyl name with transfer paper and add it to the canvas. Make sure you spend a while scraping the vinyl down when you transfer it to the canvas.
- paint over the entire canvas(I used maroon/white as they are the school colors here)
- Let dry at least one hour and paint a second coat.
- Let dry overnight
- Peel off sticker and viola you have your name on a colorful canvas!
Are you feeling crafty yet?