Crazy Weather

by - Monday, April 18, 2011

View from my office window, it was actually much darker than this pic conveys.
As you can see the street lights were still on(this was at about 9:00 am)
On Friday we had some severe weather(as did most of the country). I have never experienced anything quite like it. Sirens wailed all day alerting us to seek cover. Although I never actually saw a tornado that day it was kind of freaky. It was so weird how not 5 minutes after the warning was lifted it was sunny and beautiful, we even took Pumpkin for a walk later on that evening and everything was fine only a couple of downed limbs and a lot of water was displaced. I managed to snap a few pics.

This weekend was kind of low key! We had date night Friday and went out for sushi(yum) and Saturday we ran in the morning and then went to a local fish fry with Kristin and Dan(I know not diet friendly, however Saturday is the cheat day, and I have lost about 13 lbs so far, so I deserve it). We also went to Tupelo to pick up my bridesmaid dress for Sallee Anne's wedding! Sunday was a relaxing day around the house! I am trying to get my relaxing in because in the next 6 weeks I have a lot going on!! I am looking forward to this short week at work and for a nice weekend away at the Arnold's with Mike and Pumpkin :)

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