Winter Vacation

by - Thursday, January 26, 2012

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Wow I am is is almost February and I have yet to blog about my holiday trip. Oh well I have been busy and life is getting crazier by the minute! As you can see on the map above we had quite the journey over the holiday season. It was about 3200 miles and a lot of fun. We spent time with friends and family and it was just good to get out of here for a while. I have been recovering from this journey for a few weeks lol.

On another note, the new year has come and gone and I am back on the healthy train(although I really never got off). I maintained my weight loss over the holidays(YAY). And I am well on my way to making my January fitness goal I set for myself which entails going to the gym 20 times this month. Which I should surpass! The scale has not budged even though I have eaten like a bird for the most part. I have to figure this out soon before I go crazy!! I have started going to Zumba again twice a week and I am so enjoying it. If you know me then you know I love to dance so this is more fun for me than traditional workouts.

Other than that nothing is going on with me. On the other hand Mike is busier than ever. He has worked harder than I have ever seen him. He has been staying up late finishing his thesis and getting ready for his defense which is scheduled for Feb 3! I am so proud of him already and cannot wait for all of this to be over so he can have this off of his chest.
I am going to try to blog more especially because I think this year is going to be important. Hopefully we will move and start a new chapter of our lives together what I believe will be the most important one yet!

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